Purchase Orders Reports in Sage 100

Learn about Purchase Orders Reports in Sage 100 with Sage 100 training classes from Accounting Business Solutions by JCS!

Purchase Orders Reports in Sage 100

Cash Requirements Report

The Cash Requirements Report provides a summary of open purchase orders and total cash requirements for any three consecutive future periods. This report is helpful for analyzing future cash needs and effectively planning cash flow. Options for printing this report include:

  • User defined periods
  • Summary or detail format
  • Selection to include open invoices from Accounts Payable
  • Selections for determining discounts


Purchase Order Recap

The Purchase Order Recap report provides a complete review of all purchase orders processed through the system.

  • All purchase orders whether open, completed, or deleted are included on the report.
    • Deleted purchase orders are identified as Cancelled in the Status column.
  • The purchase order recap information is purged during period-end processing if the Purge PO Recap at Period End check box is selected in Purchase Order Options and there is no receipt history for that purchase order. If this check box is cleared, the recap information is retained indefinitely.
    • You can manually purge this information by selecting the Purge Completed or Cancelled PO Recap task in Period End Processing.

Purchase Order Receipt History Report

The Purchase Order Receipt History Report provides a history of all receipts, invoices, and returns applied against purchase orders.

  • This report is not available if No is selected at the Retain Receipt History field in Purchase Order Options.
  • Options for this report include detail or summary format and the ability to print received lines only.
  • Additionally, you can select to define a selection criteria based on the vendor purchase name, job number (if integrated with Job Cost), and work order number (if integrated with Work Order).
    • You can manually purge receipt history using the Purge Purchase Order Receipt History task on the Purchase Order Utilities menu or you can retain it indefinitely.

Purchase History Report

The Purchase History Report provides period-to-date, year-to-date, and prior-year purchase information for each vendor and item.

  • This report is available only if the Retain Purchase History check box is selected in Purchase Order Options.
    • This report is helpful when analyzing the volume of business you conduct with specific vendors.

General Ledger Posting Recap

The General Ledger Posting Recap report provides a detailed listing of all postings to General Ledger from Purchase Order.

  • You can enter a selection of posting dates to print. The report total shows the grand total of all posting activity through the specified ending date.
  • Printing the report at the end of each period provides a convenient summary of receivables transactions used to post to a manual general ledger.


Are you interested in learning about Purchase Orders Reports  in Sage 100? Accounting Business Solutions by JCS offers Sage 100 training classes, including Purchase Orders Reports in Sage 100.  Call us today at 800-475-1047 or email us at solutions@jcscomputer.com today to get started.